If you want to know how to lose love handles, you only need to practice a smart combination of diet, portion control, aerobic exercise, and toning exercise to get results. In this article, you will learn about aerobic exercises. You have got to burn that fat, baby! Smart exercise is just the ticket to do it.
The only reason that you have love handles now is that, sometime in the past, you consistently ate more calories than your body was able to use. So your body stored those extra calories in your fat cells for future use. Guess what? The future is now!
So to get rid of your love handles, you need some cardiovascular (aerobic exercise). This exercise gets you breathing deeply and your heart pumping. The good news is that you don't need to kill yourself. You want to exercise hard enough so that you can still talk, just not sing.
Good aerobic exercises are brisk walking, jogging, biking, steppers, elliptical machines, and the best fat burning exercise of all, jump roping. Did you know that if you weigh 150 pounds, you can burn nearly 700 calories per hour jump roping? Incredible. And if you weigh more than that, you would burn more calories than that.
Now few of us can jump rope for an hour. And I would not recommend it if you are in poor shape, have prior health conditions, such as back or knee problems. But if you are already exercising regularly and have no health problems, then you might want to give jump roping a try.
To lose significant fat fast, which is what love handles are made of, then you need to do 45 minutes to 1 hour at least 5 days a week. The good news is that you don't need to do your 45 minutes to 1 hour at once. In fact, I recommend that you break it up into two sessions if you can. Do 20-30 minutes in the morning and 20-30 minutes in the evening.
That way, you fire up your fat burning furnace twice during the day instead of just once. Also, for extra help to get rid of love handles, then include more movement to your day in general.
* Park further away when you go to the store so you can walk a little extra. Don't go for a Sunday stroll. Turn and burn like you are in the Indy 500!
* Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If you are in a tall building and can't climb the entire way, then just get off a couple of floors early and walk the rest
* Walk around when you are talking on the phone at home
* March in place and pump your arms during television commercials
* Play with your kids - catch a ball, throw a Frisbee, challenge them to a water gun battle. Have fun!
The more smart aerobic exercise you add to your life, then faster you will lose your love handles and reveal some incredible abs.
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
Kamis, 23 Juli 2009
Self-Love is Not Narcissism!
Not only is self-love not narcissism; unfortunately, narcissists do not know how to begin to love themselves! Keep reading to discover the difference and to learn why self-love is vitally important today.
I have heard people describe narcissists as persons who love themselves - or love themselves too much! Because I was blessed to be taught self-love, I bristle every time I hear that description.
At MayoClinic.com, we find the following definition of narcissistic personality disorder: "Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they are superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism."
A true narcissist considers himself to be of greater value than others, believing he is entitled to the best of everything. Narcissistic personality disorder should not be confused with healthy self-esteem. Although truly confident people are in touch with their gifts and talents, they do not consider themselves superior.
If self-love is not narcissism, what is it? Self-love is the ability to extend kindness and compassion to your self. It is the ability to extend kindness and compassion that is sometimes nurturing and other times confrontational. It is your ability to be honest with you about motives, intentions, choices, behavior, and words. Further, it is your ability to be honest without hurting you over it! I like the way Joseph sums it up; self-love is the willingness to embrace all that we are. The way I sum it up is that self-love is when you give yourself the kind of love, affirmation, and boundaries that you wish your parents had been able to give you.
Many of us were taught as children to forget ourselves in deference to those around us. Some were encouraged to be selfless as a morally right way to be. Others were encouraged to put themselves last because the adults around them were emotionally needy. Surrounded by genuine need, some learned to set their own needs and desires aside.
Of course, selflessness is a good trait. There are problems in the world that would go unsolved without it. The problem for individuals arises when after an extended time of giving selflessly to others; our inner wells of love begin to run dry. When selflessness is part of a dysfunctional relationship, the insecurity driving it undermines other aspects of our outpouring love, causing self-hate to fill that inner well of love.
When we attempt to pour out love and caring without having nurtured love for ourselves, resentment invariably comes to the surface, sabotaging our efforts to love others. Those who have come to depend on our ability to fill them up with love, become frightened and needy when our selflessness begins to dry up. We create a cycle where manipulation and resentment take the place of love and generosity even as we attempt to extend love and generosity.
The answer to this conundrum is simple but challenging! Practicing the discipline of self-love will turn it all around, slowly but surely. Not only will you get your love and generosity back. Practicing the discipline of self-love will teach you to set boundaries with those who pull on you inappropriately, which is a greater act of love toward others.
The practice of self-love brings us back to facing that old nemesis, Narcissus! Do you remember how Narcissus gazed at his own reflection in still water? Well, a good place to begin the practice of self-love is by looking at your own reflection in a mirror and saying to yourself, "I love you," over and over. Repeating it the way you might soothe a child with the words.
I have heard people describe narcissists as persons who love themselves - or love themselves too much! Because I was blessed to be taught self-love, I bristle every time I hear that description.
At MayoClinic.com, we find the following definition of narcissistic personality disorder: "Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they are superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism."
A true narcissist considers himself to be of greater value than others, believing he is entitled to the best of everything. Narcissistic personality disorder should not be confused with healthy self-esteem. Although truly confident people are in touch with their gifts and talents, they do not consider themselves superior.
If self-love is not narcissism, what is it? Self-love is the ability to extend kindness and compassion to your self. It is the ability to extend kindness and compassion that is sometimes nurturing and other times confrontational. It is your ability to be honest with you about motives, intentions, choices, behavior, and words. Further, it is your ability to be honest without hurting you over it! I like the way Joseph sums it up; self-love is the willingness to embrace all that we are. The way I sum it up is that self-love is when you give yourself the kind of love, affirmation, and boundaries that you wish your parents had been able to give you.
Many of us were taught as children to forget ourselves in deference to those around us. Some were encouraged to be selfless as a morally right way to be. Others were encouraged to put themselves last because the adults around them were emotionally needy. Surrounded by genuine need, some learned to set their own needs and desires aside.
Of course, selflessness is a good trait. There are problems in the world that would go unsolved without it. The problem for individuals arises when after an extended time of giving selflessly to others; our inner wells of love begin to run dry. When selflessness is part of a dysfunctional relationship, the insecurity driving it undermines other aspects of our outpouring love, causing self-hate to fill that inner well of love.
When we attempt to pour out love and caring without having nurtured love for ourselves, resentment invariably comes to the surface, sabotaging our efforts to love others. Those who have come to depend on our ability to fill them up with love, become frightened and needy when our selflessness begins to dry up. We create a cycle where manipulation and resentment take the place of love and generosity even as we attempt to extend love and generosity.
The answer to this conundrum is simple but challenging! Practicing the discipline of self-love will turn it all around, slowly but surely. Not only will you get your love and generosity back. Practicing the discipline of self-love will teach you to set boundaries with those who pull on you inappropriately, which is a greater act of love toward others.
The practice of self-love brings us back to facing that old nemesis, Narcissus! Do you remember how Narcissus gazed at his own reflection in still water? Well, a good place to begin the practice of self-love is by looking at your own reflection in a mirror and saying to yourself, "I love you," over and over. Repeating it the way you might soothe a child with the words.
Rabu, 15 Juli 2009
Does He Still Love Me After the Affair?
Since I often write about cheating and affairs within a marriage, women will often approach me and ask something like "how can I be sure or know that my husband really still loves me after an affair," or "he says he still loves me even after the affair, and I really want to believe him, but I just can't." These women often believe that, had their husbands not been caught, the affair would've continued, and the husbands are only professing their love now because they have no other choice. They want to know how in the world a person can love their wives and yet cheat on them at the same time. The answer to these questions is a bit complex, but in this article, I hope to show you that it is actually possible for husbands to have an affair and still cheat on their wives because very often, the affair has less to do with you or the marriage's shortcomings and more to do with his personal ones.
First, Understanding Why Married Men Cheat: Women whose husbands had an affair will often assume the worst and immediately put the blame on their own shoulders. They will fear that they did something wrong, didn't keep their husbands happy at home, or have "let themselves go." These things often are not as true as you might think. While all of these things can brew the perfect set of circumstances that can make an affair more likely, the real reason men cheat is because they feel bad about themselves. In other words, something within them is lacking. They often cheat to boost their self esteem, to make themselves feel alive, young, or powerful again. They are seeking "something more" in their life and they make the grave mistake of not communicating this to their wives, who, more often than not, would be receptive to these requests rather than seeing their marriage in the real trouble it's in now.
Understand That They Often Don't Think Anyone Will Get Hurt: Understand that often, as wrong as they are, men see an affair as a way to take care of their needs without having to hurt their wives. They often don't think you will find out and therefore won't be hurt. They can actually still love you you and the marriage, but they are often able to compartmentalize and they see the two things as completely separate from one another.
Things That Can Show You That Your Husband Still Loves You Even After The Affair: Often, when I am speaking with wives who have a hard time believing their husbands still love them after the cheating, I point out several signs that prove he does.
A husband who still loves his wife will take full responsibility for the affair and his decision to partake in it. He is willing to provide all of the details to ensure his wife that the affair is over. If this requires his switching jobs or making other sacrifices, he is willing to do that.
He is willing to do the work that will improve communication, trust, and intimacy with his wife to ensure that the marriage can be saved. He is willing to have patience as you try to process all of this and he provides you will the affection and reassurance that you need, but he doesn't push if you are not ready to be intimate again.
Finally, he's willing to provide accountability. He's patient when you want to know where he is. He knows that your healing may take a while and he's willing to help you through it.
Now, if your husband isn't doing all of these things, that doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. Sometimes, these things aren't intuitive to men and often, they just don't want to revisit the affair that much because they think that brushing it under the table will help you move past it since you aren't talking about it all of the time. Feel free to show your husband this article (or tell him the points in it) if you think it will help him to help you heal.
Can Love Really Return In Your Marriage After An Affair?: I know that it may hard to believe this right now, but your marriage can absolutely survive an affair. (My marriage is actually better now than it ever was.) What is required though is that you openly and honestly communicate with your husband so that you get what you need to heal. You both need to understand why the affair happened and take action and do the necessary work to ensure that it doesn't happen again. Use the affair as a wake up call, not a death sentence. Because it can (although brutally) show you exactly what you need to change so that both of you are happy and fulfilled.
First, Understanding Why Married Men Cheat: Women whose husbands had an affair will often assume the worst and immediately put the blame on their own shoulders. They will fear that they did something wrong, didn't keep their husbands happy at home, or have "let themselves go." These things often are not as true as you might think. While all of these things can brew the perfect set of circumstances that can make an affair more likely, the real reason men cheat is because they feel bad about themselves. In other words, something within them is lacking. They often cheat to boost their self esteem, to make themselves feel alive, young, or powerful again. They are seeking "something more" in their life and they make the grave mistake of not communicating this to their wives, who, more often than not, would be receptive to these requests rather than seeing their marriage in the real trouble it's in now.
Understand That They Often Don't Think Anyone Will Get Hurt: Understand that often, as wrong as they are, men see an affair as a way to take care of their needs without having to hurt their wives. They often don't think you will find out and therefore won't be hurt. They can actually still love you you and the marriage, but they are often able to compartmentalize and they see the two things as completely separate from one another.
Things That Can Show You That Your Husband Still Loves You Even After The Affair: Often, when I am speaking with wives who have a hard time believing their husbands still love them after the cheating, I point out several signs that prove he does.
A husband who still loves his wife will take full responsibility for the affair and his decision to partake in it. He is willing to provide all of the details to ensure his wife that the affair is over. If this requires his switching jobs or making other sacrifices, he is willing to do that.
He is willing to do the work that will improve communication, trust, and intimacy with his wife to ensure that the marriage can be saved. He is willing to have patience as you try to process all of this and he provides you will the affection and reassurance that you need, but he doesn't push if you are not ready to be intimate again.
Finally, he's willing to provide accountability. He's patient when you want to know where he is. He knows that your healing may take a while and he's willing to help you through it.
Now, if your husband isn't doing all of these things, that doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. Sometimes, these things aren't intuitive to men and often, they just don't want to revisit the affair that much because they think that brushing it under the table will help you move past it since you aren't talking about it all of the time. Feel free to show your husband this article (or tell him the points in it) if you think it will help him to help you heal.
Can Love Really Return In Your Marriage After An Affair?: I know that it may hard to believe this right now, but your marriage can absolutely survive an affair. (My marriage is actually better now than it ever was.) What is required though is that you openly and honestly communicate with your husband so that you get what you need to heal. You both need to understand why the affair happened and take action and do the necessary work to ensure that it doesn't happen again. Use the affair as a wake up call, not a death sentence. Because it can (although brutally) show you exactly what you need to change so that both of you are happy and fulfilled.
Minggu, 12 Juli 2009
Can You Hypnotize a Man to Love You? The Surprising Answer
Is it possible for a woman to hypnotize a man to love her? As women we often want to find a way to magically make the man we adore feel the same way about us. Hypnotism seems like something saved for stage shows or those who want to lose weight or quit smoking. The truth is that there are a few things that you can do that will subtly hypnotize your man and make him more open to an emotional connection with you.
Men love eye contact. If you are with a man and you feel strongly about him, keep your eyes focused on his as much as possible without it becoming uncomfortable for him. This simple move draws a man in and makes him feel helpless to your charms. If you aren't skilled in how to hypnotize a man, doing just this one thing can really change the dynamic of a relationship. Most men don't expect it and secretly long for a woman who does it.
Another way you can subtly hypnotize a man is to become a reflection of him. This is easy and all it involves is simply copying everything he is doing. If you two are out for dinner and he reaches for his drink, do the same. Allow the drink to linger at your lips as long as he does. If he clasps his hands together, do the same. Most men will never consciously notice you doing this but it does draw them in. He'll feel more comfortable and open with you. You'll feel the difference in his demeanor right away.
Men love eye contact. If you are with a man and you feel strongly about him, keep your eyes focused on his as much as possible without it becoming uncomfortable for him. This simple move draws a man in and makes him feel helpless to your charms. If you aren't skilled in how to hypnotize a man, doing just this one thing can really change the dynamic of a relationship. Most men don't expect it and secretly long for a woman who does it.
Another way you can subtly hypnotize a man is to become a reflection of him. This is easy and all it involves is simply copying everything he is doing. If you two are out for dinner and he reaches for his drink, do the same. Allow the drink to linger at your lips as long as he does. If he clasps his hands together, do the same. Most men will never consciously notice you doing this but it does draw them in. He'll feel more comfortable and open with you. You'll feel the difference in his demeanor right away.
Kamis, 09 Juli 2009
How to Get Back Together With Your Love - Breaking the Barriers
When you want to know how to get back together with your love, there is a good chance that you have recently gone through a breakup. When you think about people getting back together after a breakup, you might be thinking about relationships where the breakup was mutual on both sides, and where both parties realize that an enormous mistake has been made. The truth of the matter is that there are many different ways that a relationship can recover from the worst, and if you want to repair the relationship, you will find that while you are looking at an uphill climb, it is by no means impossible!
The first thing that you need to know is that there are many reasons why couples break up, and that you need to figure out what happened. Was it something that you did, or something that your lover did that was so difficult to deal with? Was there an outside influence, and were your fights actually focused on what the problem was, or just on its symptoms? A clear knowledge of what happened is essential when you want to get back together with your ex.
When you are thinking about how to get back together with your love, you first thought might be that you want to discuss it with everyone in the world; resist this urge! Gossip, even when it is not malicious, has a way of mutating, and if you find that if news of your wish to reconcile gets back to your lover before you yourself can do so, you may be at a disadvantage. Be careful who you talk to, and when you do, be complimentary about your ex.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind when you are trying to restart an old relationship is that you need to get their attention. One great way to do this is to send an email or a voice mail saying thank you. Because everyone after all, loves to be thanked, you will find that this puts them in a position where they want to call you. When they respond, be frank, but use this as a good way to remind them of all the good times that you have had together.
Make sure that when you are trying to get back together with your ex that you are honest. This is not a time for lies or even white lies, if you want to get back together and make sure that your relationship is actually stronger. There are people who will lie and fib their way back into a relationship, but if you do that, you are just heading for the same breakup. Make sure that when you and your love get back together that you are stronger than ever!
The first thing that you need to know is that there are many reasons why couples break up, and that you need to figure out what happened. Was it something that you did, or something that your lover did that was so difficult to deal with? Was there an outside influence, and were your fights actually focused on what the problem was, or just on its symptoms? A clear knowledge of what happened is essential when you want to get back together with your ex.
When you are thinking about how to get back together with your love, you first thought might be that you want to discuss it with everyone in the world; resist this urge! Gossip, even when it is not malicious, has a way of mutating, and if you find that if news of your wish to reconcile gets back to your lover before you yourself can do so, you may be at a disadvantage. Be careful who you talk to, and when you do, be complimentary about your ex.
Another thing that you need to keep in mind when you are trying to restart an old relationship is that you need to get their attention. One great way to do this is to send an email or a voice mail saying thank you. Because everyone after all, loves to be thanked, you will find that this puts them in a position where they want to call you. When they respond, be frank, but use this as a good way to remind them of all the good times that you have had together.
Make sure that when you are trying to get back together with your ex that you are honest. This is not a time for lies or even white lies, if you want to get back together and make sure that your relationship is actually stronger. There are people who will lie and fib their way back into a relationship, but if you do that, you are just heading for the same breakup. Make sure that when you and your love get back together that you are stronger than ever!
Senin, 06 Juli 2009
The Flaw of Love by Lauren Grodstein
The flaw of love is the debut novel of an American author named Lauren Grodstein. The novel focuses on human relationships with an amazing touch of irony and wit to it. The story circles around the protagonist, Joel Miller's introspection into his relationships with all the people in his life.
Joel is in the biggest quandary of his life - whether or not he wants to become a father. The girl in his life, Lisa is doing a pregnancy test and Joel realizes that the results could be anything. Waiting for the results of the test, Joel goes back into time analyzing his relationships with his parents, his best friend and the girl he loved the most, Blair. As his future is being decided behind a closed door, his thoughts are wandering in the past. He had a very tumultuous childhood as he saw a failed marriage of his parents. His father was one of the most complex yet nice person he had ever known and his mother a very unpredictable and eccentric lady. The relationship they shared not only affected his childhood but also scarred his entire life. He thinks about Blair, the girl he loved most dearly but could not hold on to because she was not the person looking for a commitment.
All these relationships had a marked effect on Joel's life and also made him a person who is skeptical of commitment. This is the problem that gets him back to the present as he waited for Lisa to take the test and get some finality to his life. The manner in which Joel explores all these relationships is ironic, acerbic and also marked with a keen sense of observation.
Joel is in the biggest quandary of his life - whether or not he wants to become a father. The girl in his life, Lisa is doing a pregnancy test and Joel realizes that the results could be anything. Waiting for the results of the test, Joel goes back into time analyzing his relationships with his parents, his best friend and the girl he loved the most, Blair. As his future is being decided behind a closed door, his thoughts are wandering in the past. He had a very tumultuous childhood as he saw a failed marriage of his parents. His father was one of the most complex yet nice person he had ever known and his mother a very unpredictable and eccentric lady. The relationship they shared not only affected his childhood but also scarred his entire life. He thinks about Blair, the girl he loved most dearly but could not hold on to because she was not the person looking for a commitment.
All these relationships had a marked effect on Joel's life and also made him a person who is skeptical of commitment. This is the problem that gets him back to the present as he waited for Lisa to take the test and get some finality to his life. The manner in which Joel explores all these relationships is ironic, acerbic and also marked with a keen sense of observation.
Jumat, 03 Juli 2009
Do You Love Yourself 100 Percent?
The keyword here is of course the "100 percent". Surprisingly or not surprisingly, most of us do not love our own selves that much.
Over the years I have come across messages relating to loving yourself and all that. But, it really bought home for me this very question when I finished reading a book by Gay Hendricks. It is titled Learning To Love Yourself. Gay is a professor in counseling psychology and a world renowned author, as I come to know.
Back to the question. Why 100 percent is so important, you might ask. Allow me to share my way of understanding it. I am using "we" to mean each and every one of us (including myself of course) to make the points clearer.
We are carrying an invisible bag of rubbish, the "stuff" that we don't like, don't want to talk about, or even think about. It all relates to past experiences back to even our childhood days. It contains anger, hatred, guilt, argument, reprimand, shame, discontent, distrust, malice, and all those bad things. The problem is that this bag of stuff is getting bigger and bigger, and one day it will haunt us big time.
We need to learn to love ourselves live. By first accepting, and then loving the way we are is the only way to liberate ourselves and to give us the peace inside and out. We have to deal with each of these hidden feelings or stuff one by one. Don't suppress it as we usually do. Recognize it, bring it to the open, experience it in your mind, feel it, and accept it, and love yourself even with it. It is kind of like shaking hands with these stuff, and letting go. Bottom-line, we love ourselves as a whole. It is a wholesome love, not selective love. I tried it and I could feel the relief almost immediately.
Everything happens for a reason. The things we encounter, good or bad, all help to mold us. It is part of our growing up. It completes us. Bad things might not be so bad after all if we learn and become wiser.
Over the years I have come across messages relating to loving yourself and all that. But, it really bought home for me this very question when I finished reading a book by Gay Hendricks. It is titled Learning To Love Yourself. Gay is a professor in counseling psychology and a world renowned author, as I come to know.
Back to the question. Why 100 percent is so important, you might ask. Allow me to share my way of understanding it. I am using "we" to mean each and every one of us (including myself of course) to make the points clearer.
We are carrying an invisible bag of rubbish, the "stuff" that we don't like, don't want to talk about, or even think about. It all relates to past experiences back to even our childhood days. It contains anger, hatred, guilt, argument, reprimand, shame, discontent, distrust, malice, and all those bad things. The problem is that this bag of stuff is getting bigger and bigger, and one day it will haunt us big time.
We need to learn to love ourselves live. By first accepting, and then loving the way we are is the only way to liberate ourselves and to give us the peace inside and out. We have to deal with each of these hidden feelings or stuff one by one. Don't suppress it as we usually do. Recognize it, bring it to the open, experience it in your mind, feel it, and accept it, and love yourself even with it. It is kind of like shaking hands with these stuff, and letting go. Bottom-line, we love ourselves as a whole. It is a wholesome love, not selective love. I tried it and I could feel the relief almost immediately.
Everything happens for a reason. The things we encounter, good or bad, all help to mold us. It is part of our growing up. It completes us. Bad things might not be so bad after all if we learn and become wiser.
Rabu, 01 Juli 2009
How to Lose Love Handles With Smart Abdominal Toning
To lose love handles, it is essential to have a program that combines smart diet, portion control, aerobic exercise, and abdominal toning exercise. While many people focus on abdominal exercise to lose love handles, it's actually the least important component. If you don't get rid of the fat covering your abdominal muscles, then you can do toning exercises until doomsday and you will never see them.
So with smart eating and cardiovascular exercise you will get rid of the excess fat, and then your strength and toning exercises will be the final piece of the puzzle.
As part of your toning program, you want to tone up your upper abs, the lower abs, and the sides of your abdominals, which are your obliques. To balance everything out, you also want to tone the muscles of your lower back.
The following are four effective exercises to help you tone your abs:
Upper Abdominals Crunches
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head.
2. Raise your head and shoulders off of the floor, keeping your lower back in contact with the floor. Keep your elbows back and neck straight as you lift your upper body. Feel the tension in the stomach muscles. Hold for 3 seconds.
3. Lower your shoulders slowly, and repeat.
Lower Abdominals Crunches
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, fingers touching but not locked.
2. Raise your knees up to your stomach, keeping your legs together, and your lower back in contact with the floor.
3. Return your legs back to the starting position with your feet on the floor. Repeat.
Twisting Crunches
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, fingers touching, but not locked.
2. Carefully lift your head up and place your hands behind your head without locking your fingers together.
3. Twist to the left, at the same time bringing your right elbow up to touch your left knee. Remember to keep your lower back in contact with the floor at all times.
4. Twist to the right, at the same time bringing your left elbow up to touch your right knee.
The Swim
1. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight and your arms stretched out in front of you. Pull your stomach in as if you are trying to pull your belly button to your spine.
2. Lift your left arm and your right leg off the floor, keeping your right arm and left leg on the floor. Lower your arm and leg back to the floor.
3. Now lift your right arm and your left leg off the floor, keeping your left arm and right leg on the floor. Lower your arm and leg back to the floor.
4. Speed up the pace and you imagine that you are swimming.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that most people complete eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise for maximum results. A repetition is completing the exercise described once in a controlled manner.
After you complete the recommended number of repetitions, rest for a minute or two, and then perform another set. You may perform up to three sets of each exercise. As you perform each exercise, imagine pulling your belly button in towards the floor. This will ensure that you get the most out of every repetition.
So with smart eating and cardiovascular exercise you will get rid of the excess fat, and then your strength and toning exercises will be the final piece of the puzzle.
As part of your toning program, you want to tone up your upper abs, the lower abs, and the sides of your abdominals, which are your obliques. To balance everything out, you also want to tone the muscles of your lower back.
The following are four effective exercises to help you tone your abs:
Upper Abdominals Crunches
1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head.
2. Raise your head and shoulders off of the floor, keeping your lower back in contact with the floor. Keep your elbows back and neck straight as you lift your upper body. Feel the tension in the stomach muscles. Hold for 3 seconds.
3. Lower your shoulders slowly, and repeat.
Lower Abdominals Crunches
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, fingers touching but not locked.
2. Raise your knees up to your stomach, keeping your legs together, and your lower back in contact with the floor.
3. Return your legs back to the starting position with your feet on the floor. Repeat.
Twisting Crunches
1. Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head, fingers touching, but not locked.
2. Carefully lift your head up and place your hands behind your head without locking your fingers together.
3. Twist to the left, at the same time bringing your right elbow up to touch your left knee. Remember to keep your lower back in contact with the floor at all times.
4. Twist to the right, at the same time bringing your left elbow up to touch your right knee.
The Swim
1. Lie on your stomach with your legs straight and your arms stretched out in front of you. Pull your stomach in as if you are trying to pull your belly button to your spine.
2. Lift your left arm and your right leg off the floor, keeping your right arm and left leg on the floor. Lower your arm and leg back to the floor.
3. Now lift your right arm and your left leg off the floor, keeping your left arm and right leg on the floor. Lower your arm and leg back to the floor.
4. Speed up the pace and you imagine that you are swimming.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that most people complete eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise for maximum results. A repetition is completing the exercise described once in a controlled manner.
After you complete the recommended number of repetitions, rest for a minute or two, and then perform another set. You may perform up to three sets of each exercise. As you perform each exercise, imagine pulling your belly button in towards the floor. This will ensure that you get the most out of every repetition.
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