Finding love is important to everyone. It's important to have a loving relationship with a person that respects us and enriches our lives. We need to be sure that we're living the life that we planned for ourselves and are as happy as we can possibly be and love is a big part of that. The Law of Attraction can help us with this.
There are quite a few CDs,DVDs, and Books out there that can aid you learning how to practice the Law of Attraction and apply it to finding the love you desire Give thought to that which you want and how to best go after it. Once you're serious about creating you life exactly as you would like it to be you'll possess a healthier and happier mind for living such a life.
Finding love will go a long way in making your life a happy one. Without love and respect you will not possess anything worth wile. In order to gain love and respect you need to give it. This is the foremost thing that you need always keep in mind. You must be respectful to other people so that you can savor life and love others.You must demonstrate to other people that they are important to you, as well. Applying the Law of Attraction can make this a simpler undertaking for all involved.
When you employ the Law of Attraction in life for gaining respect and love you will find it is a great deal easier to be both loved and respected by other people. You must think positively in life and know what you desire. Every one of your goals and dreams are important one of the things that you should always keep in mind is that you are entitled to these dreams and you ought to go after them. Regardless of what is going on in your life, you should apply the Law of Attraction to make your dreams a reality.
Don't be pessimistic when it concerns your life. You must stay optimistic and keep on thinking positively no matter what results you are getting. When matters knock you down you have get back on top of them. Don't allow anyone or anything stand in the path of your happiness or the love and respect that you deserve.
Everything we have in life comes to us because of the manner in which we think. Our life is an accumulation of our past thoughts. Using the Law of Attraction will cause us recognize our expectations in our lives and demonstrate to us that there are no limits except those that we set for ourselves. It makes no difference wherever your dreams rest in life. As long as you think about what you desire in life and believe you will get it you'll be more successful in all your endeavors and gain the love that you are after.
If you do not believe in something you will discover that it is very difficult to manifest in your life. You should to apply the great power of your mind to attain your goals and dreams. If you don't employ the Law of Attraction to your daily life you will find that it is very difficult for you to be the person that you want to be and you'll miss out on the success and love that should be yours.
Minggu, 31 Mei 2009
Kamis, 28 Mei 2009
Why He Doesn't Love You But Will Never Leave You
Do you ever sit around inside the cocoon of your tired relationship and wonder why you're still with this man who doesn't love you? At times he says he does but his actions are anything but lovely. Is it love why he chooses to stay with you and you with him? Is it a travesty that over fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce or are these people the courageous ones?
If even one of your relationships has been anything like a few of mine, then you know why some people remain when it's past due time to be moving along.
First, there is the guy who can't move on although he treats you like dog crap because his own self-esteem is so low and he knows that at least when it comes to you, there will always be someone he can crap on.
Second, he's lazy and sees very little reason for becoming a better man because you have tolerated him for so long; he is comfortable being less of who he knows he can and should be.
Third, he's just plain apathetic when it comes to anything other than his own interests. Basically, he's a narcissist who's confused about the difference between self love and self only.
Fourth, he lives from the perspective of his ego nature and can only see as his options a flight or fight mentality and because he has a deep fear of being alone, he chooses to stay and fight. And unfortunately you reap those benefits, or liabilities.
And finally, although the list is endless, he needs to have a sense of control. He needs to know that in this big and scary world of his, he is the master of his domain, he is the god of his ship and even if he can't control the world and his job, his parents, or his own internal fears, at least he can control YOU!
If even one of your relationships has been anything like a few of mine, then you know why some people remain when it's past due time to be moving along.
First, there is the guy who can't move on although he treats you like dog crap because his own self-esteem is so low and he knows that at least when it comes to you, there will always be someone he can crap on.
Second, he's lazy and sees very little reason for becoming a better man because you have tolerated him for so long; he is comfortable being less of who he knows he can and should be.
Third, he's just plain apathetic when it comes to anything other than his own interests. Basically, he's a narcissist who's confused about the difference between self love and self only.
Fourth, he lives from the perspective of his ego nature and can only see as his options a flight or fight mentality and because he has a deep fear of being alone, he chooses to stay and fight. And unfortunately you reap those benefits, or liabilities.
And finally, although the list is endless, he needs to have a sense of control. He needs to know that in this big and scary world of his, he is the master of his domain, he is the god of his ship and even if he can't control the world and his job, his parents, or his own internal fears, at least he can control YOU!
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009
The Love of Others is All About Acceptance
In another article I made the case that self love is all about acceptance, now I am changing tack to talking about relationships. I said in a thought for the day,'If you truly love somebody you must accept them'.
In another article I wrote is called 'Unload your expectations', I basically say that when we place expectations on others or ourselves we are setting them and us up to fail. Later when I read through this article I wondered if I was correct in what I said because I concluded that there are some areas where we must place expectations on others.
After I wrote the article on self acceptance I changed my mind, I do not retract a single word from that article.
So am I saying that spouses should place no expectations on each other? Yes.
Am I saying that parents should place no expectations on their children? Yes.
In fact if you want to try to screw up the lives of your children a good way to start is by letting them know that you are disappointed in them.
So how do we deal with the fact that children should attend school and should do their homework for example, how are we to exercise discipline. We exercise it through a means of punishments and rewards.
Punishments may include: grounding, sending a child to his/her room, not giving them their allowance that week. Rewards may include: money, taking the child to a sports event, getting them an ice cream, you get the idea.
The key point is that by not doing homework, skipping school etc they should be aware that you love them just the same, your love is not diminished.
So what happens in the case of a marriage or long term relationships in the case of something like fidelity. Don't we expect our partner to be faithful?
No, we trust them to be.
In another article I wrote is called 'Unload your expectations', I basically say that when we place expectations on others or ourselves we are setting them and us up to fail. Later when I read through this article I wondered if I was correct in what I said because I concluded that there are some areas where we must place expectations on others.
After I wrote the article on self acceptance I changed my mind, I do not retract a single word from that article.
So am I saying that spouses should place no expectations on each other? Yes.
Am I saying that parents should place no expectations on their children? Yes.
In fact if you want to try to screw up the lives of your children a good way to start is by letting them know that you are disappointed in them.
So how do we deal with the fact that children should attend school and should do their homework for example, how are we to exercise discipline. We exercise it through a means of punishments and rewards.
Punishments may include: grounding, sending a child to his/her room, not giving them their allowance that week. Rewards may include: money, taking the child to a sports event, getting them an ice cream, you get the idea.
The key point is that by not doing homework, skipping school etc they should be aware that you love them just the same, your love is not diminished.
So what happens in the case of a marriage or long term relationships in the case of something like fidelity. Don't we expect our partner to be faithful?
No, we trust them to be.
Senin, 25 Mei 2009
Babies Love Boxes!
Parents often go overboard when buying Christmas presents for their children, especially when that child is their first. What parents find out, after their babies are old enough to sit up and play, is that babies usually love boxes more than the toys that were originally in them.
Don't become too discouraged. It happens to nearly every parent. When someone suggests that you may not want to spend so much on actual gifts because an infant won't be able to appreciate them, you might want to listen. If they have children of their own, you may be able to avoid some of the same frustrations they've had.
What is it about boxes that draws the attention of babies? Part of the appeal may be that boxes are large and easily manipulated. Boxes are also lightweight so they won't hurt if the baby drops them. Finally, as everyone knows, nothing tastes better than cardboard!
Since babies love boxes so much, don't fight it. Take advantage of their interest in boxes to begin to teach them to use their imagination. Your baby won't totally develop their sense of imaginative play until they are pre-school age, but there's no reason to wait too long before encouraging this type of play.
Actually, if you haven't looked at toys lately, you can buy pretend food to use in play kitchens. These are smaller than normal foods, so they're easy for little children to handle. There are also plastic foods that are safe for children to put in their mouths.
One box that parents probably have in large numbers is wipe boxes. Not only can they be used to store small things in, they can be used to build with like building blocks. If your baby is a boy, he can put his chunky cars in the box and then take them out and play with them. Little girls, once they start playing with baby dolls, can put their baby's clothes in the wipe boxes and even use the wipe box as a bed.
With babies, it seems that simple is best. They really don't need to have toys with all the bells and whistles. Lights and noises at this age may get their attention, but they may not hold that attention for long. Give them a couple of small boxes and they'll be happy for quite some time.
As your baby grows, they have the potential to turn almost anything into a toy. They'll find things in your home that you may not wish them to play with, so be concerned about baby-proofing your home.
Babies grow up so fast. One minute they're brand new, small, and helpless. The next thing you know, they're trying to get around on their own. Give them simple things to play with. Babies love boxes and they're great items to help them use their imagination.
Don't become too discouraged. It happens to nearly every parent. When someone suggests that you may not want to spend so much on actual gifts because an infant won't be able to appreciate them, you might want to listen. If they have children of their own, you may be able to avoid some of the same frustrations they've had.
What is it about boxes that draws the attention of babies? Part of the appeal may be that boxes are large and easily manipulated. Boxes are also lightweight so they won't hurt if the baby drops them. Finally, as everyone knows, nothing tastes better than cardboard!
Since babies love boxes so much, don't fight it. Take advantage of their interest in boxes to begin to teach them to use their imagination. Your baby won't totally develop their sense of imaginative play until they are pre-school age, but there's no reason to wait too long before encouraging this type of play.
Actually, if you haven't looked at toys lately, you can buy pretend food to use in play kitchens. These are smaller than normal foods, so they're easy for little children to handle. There are also plastic foods that are safe for children to put in their mouths.
One box that parents probably have in large numbers is wipe boxes. Not only can they be used to store small things in, they can be used to build with like building blocks. If your baby is a boy, he can put his chunky cars in the box and then take them out and play with them. Little girls, once they start playing with baby dolls, can put their baby's clothes in the wipe boxes and even use the wipe box as a bed.
With babies, it seems that simple is best. They really don't need to have toys with all the bells and whistles. Lights and noises at this age may get their attention, but they may not hold that attention for long. Give them a couple of small boxes and they'll be happy for quite some time.
As your baby grows, they have the potential to turn almost anything into a toy. They'll find things in your home that you may not wish them to play with, so be concerned about baby-proofing your home.
Babies grow up so fast. One minute they're brand new, small, and helpless. The next thing you know, they're trying to get around on their own. Give them simple things to play with. Babies love boxes and they're great items to help them use their imagination.
Jumat, 22 Mei 2009
Should You Get Back Together With Your Ex? Love is Lovelier the Second Time Around
Love is lovelier the second time around. Or so says romance novels and real stories. However, the former are escapist fare, while the latter are exceptions to the rule. Still, love is a powerful force that needs another chance at happiness. That said, should you get back together with your ex?
Oh, yes.
Let's face it. You were miserable when you were apart, and you will do anything short of begging to get your love back. You want another chance to make it lovelier for both of you. But first, ask yourself these questions:
* Do you still truly, madly, deeply love each other?
* Can you work through, even forgive and forget the reasons for your break-up?
* Are you the right person for each other, given the past difficulties you have had?
* Do your friends and family approve of a possible reunion?
If your answer to all four questions is a resounding "Yes!", then your answer to the niggling issue of should you get back together with your ex is likewise a resounding "Yes, I do".
A word of caution: Do not cannonball into the reunion. Instead, take your own sweet time in rediscovering each other by going out on dates, trying new things, and talking through your past issues with patience. It will also help to be celibate while you are at it.
Oh, no, no, no, no
On the other side of the "should you get back together with your ex" issue, you should say "No, thanks. I'm done with the relationship" under the following circumstances:
* You want your ex back because you do not want others to have a piece of the pie. You want what others want now because it was yours first. Tsk, tsk.
* You want to prove to yourself and to others that you have what it takes to lure your ex back. Ego is at work here.
* Your friends and family are totally against the idea of a happily ever after the second time around. As tempting as it is, you don't live alone in this world. Besides, you know better than to believe in happily ever after with barely concealed hostility thickening up the tension-filled air during gatherings.
So before you go about finally answering your "should you get back together with your ex" dilemma, think hard, criticize even harder, and question your motives the hardest.
Oh, yes.
Let's face it. You were miserable when you were apart, and you will do anything short of begging to get your love back. You want another chance to make it lovelier for both of you. But first, ask yourself these questions:
* Do you still truly, madly, deeply love each other?
* Can you work through, even forgive and forget the reasons for your break-up?
* Are you the right person for each other, given the past difficulties you have had?
* Do your friends and family approve of a possible reunion?
If your answer to all four questions is a resounding "Yes!", then your answer to the niggling issue of should you get back together with your ex is likewise a resounding "Yes, I do".
A word of caution: Do not cannonball into the reunion. Instead, take your own sweet time in rediscovering each other by going out on dates, trying new things, and talking through your past issues with patience. It will also help to be celibate while you are at it.
Oh, no, no, no, no
On the other side of the "should you get back together with your ex" issue, you should say "No, thanks. I'm done with the relationship" under the following circumstances:
* You want your ex back because you do not want others to have a piece of the pie. You want what others want now because it was yours first. Tsk, tsk.
* You want to prove to yourself and to others that you have what it takes to lure your ex back. Ego is at work here.
* Your friends and family are totally against the idea of a happily ever after the second time around. As tempting as it is, you don't live alone in this world. Besides, you know better than to believe in happily ever after with barely concealed hostility thickening up the tension-filled air during gatherings.
So before you go about finally answering your "should you get back together with your ex" dilemma, think hard, criticize even harder, and question your motives the hardest.
Senin, 18 Mei 2009
Stress, Love, and Chocolate Peanut Butter Sandwiches
Tuesday evening, my husband and I decided to clear our schedules for a relaxing day together Wednesday. We went to the store to purchase a movie to watch that night and we came home expecting all to go as planned. One thing led to another, however, and we went to bed slightly frazzled having not watched the movie and feeling very little relaxed.
The next day was much the same. We and others were in and out of our house all day, and my husband, son, and I all experienced quite a range of emotion, though little was positive. We all took turns being upset at the situation and each other. I was stressed and didn't want to talk about my worries because I didn't want to make the situation any worse.
Finally, when projects were completed and our emotions had a chance to subside I realized my husband had hardly eaten anything that day. Knowing he tended not to eat when upset, I offered to fix him anything he wanted. I wasn't prepared for his answer, and almost decided against it, but I had promised I would make him anything, so I did.
He requested the world's greatest sandwich: peanut butter and chocolate syrup on bread grilled in the sandwich maker with a scoop of ice cream on top. I thought that it sounded awful, but I wanted to show him how much I loved him. I also wanted to make sure he actually ate. I tasted the completed concoction, and it actually wasn't bad.
When I asked what my husband wanted, he said he would eat anything, but then requested the world's greatest sandwich. I was tempted to just fix him leftovers. The squash and chicken gravy would have been much healthier and less trouble. But showing how much I cared for him, especially after such an emotionally charged day was more important.
After he ate the sandwich we both apologized and we able to talk more openly about our day. He was able to spend some time working on something he enjoys. That small act of service made all the difference for both of us, and the negative feelings in our home left.
I hear stories about people "falling out of love" with each other. I wonder if in those cases, people stop feeling loving feelings because they stop doing loving actions. Love is not just something that comes and goes by accident or chance. It is something we work and sacrifice for. Relationships are stressful, no matter how good they are. Remembering to do loving things and say loving words will keep love alive and bring you closer together.
The next day was much the same. We and others were in and out of our house all day, and my husband, son, and I all experienced quite a range of emotion, though little was positive. We all took turns being upset at the situation and each other. I was stressed and didn't want to talk about my worries because I didn't want to make the situation any worse.
Finally, when projects were completed and our emotions had a chance to subside I realized my husband had hardly eaten anything that day. Knowing he tended not to eat when upset, I offered to fix him anything he wanted. I wasn't prepared for his answer, and almost decided against it, but I had promised I would make him anything, so I did.
He requested the world's greatest sandwich: peanut butter and chocolate syrup on bread grilled in the sandwich maker with a scoop of ice cream on top. I thought that it sounded awful, but I wanted to show him how much I loved him. I also wanted to make sure he actually ate. I tasted the completed concoction, and it actually wasn't bad.
When I asked what my husband wanted, he said he would eat anything, but then requested the world's greatest sandwich. I was tempted to just fix him leftovers. The squash and chicken gravy would have been much healthier and less trouble. But showing how much I cared for him, especially after such an emotionally charged day was more important.
After he ate the sandwich we both apologized and we able to talk more openly about our day. He was able to spend some time working on something he enjoys. That small act of service made all the difference for both of us, and the negative feelings in our home left.
I hear stories about people "falling out of love" with each other. I wonder if in those cases, people stop feeling loving feelings because they stop doing loving actions. Love is not just something that comes and goes by accident or chance. It is something we work and sacrifice for. Relationships are stressful, no matter how good they are. Remembering to do loving things and say loving words will keep love alive and bring you closer together.
Women - Win Man Back - The Magic Love Recipe
Suffering through a break up is one of the most difficult and heart breaking experiences that a woman can go through, especially if you still love him with all of your heart. So what do you do if you want to win man back?
Breaking up with your man can cause pain that is similar to losing a loved you to death, the pain can cause depression to the point where you just don't want to get out of bed in the morning. I know that paints a bleak picture, BUT there is hope you can win man back!
Most women will make mistakes in trying to win back man, mistakes that will push him further away. I will be discussing some of those mistakes but I also will be discussing later about a proven plan that will help you to win man back, a plan that works like a "magic love recipe".
But first I want to discuss 3 common mistakes that you may make in trying to win your man back.
1. Showing Signs of Desperation.
First thing after a break up you may want to do is call your ex and plead, or down right beg, for him to take you back. This is a show of weakness that will turn your man off and push him farther away from you.
This is one of the most important mistakes you don't want to make if you really want to win man back. Because you are so emotional about the break up and the more emotions you show, the more power it will give to him.
What you need to do is to make sure your ex feel that you are not needy. Sure, it is ok to make him feel you MAY be open to getting back together but not to the point that your life depended on it.
2. Overly Apologizing.
If you are the one that caused the break up then it is ok to apologize for your mistakes. But do not keep saying you are sorry over and over again.
You may not be the cause of the break up and you still want to apologize. That does not make any sense, apologize to him for his mistakes? Why would you want to do that, it is another sign of weakness.
3. Don't Have A Plan To Win Man Back.
Wishing and hoping will not win your man back, you need a plan that will guide you through this rough time in your life. Don't you wish you had a plan that works like a "magic love recipe" to win man back?
Breaking up with your man can cause pain that is similar to losing a loved you to death, the pain can cause depression to the point where you just don't want to get out of bed in the morning. I know that paints a bleak picture, BUT there is hope you can win man back!
Most women will make mistakes in trying to win back man, mistakes that will push him further away. I will be discussing some of those mistakes but I also will be discussing later about a proven plan that will help you to win man back, a plan that works like a "magic love recipe".
But first I want to discuss 3 common mistakes that you may make in trying to win your man back.
1. Showing Signs of Desperation.
First thing after a break up you may want to do is call your ex and plead, or down right beg, for him to take you back. This is a show of weakness that will turn your man off and push him farther away from you.
This is one of the most important mistakes you don't want to make if you really want to win man back. Because you are so emotional about the break up and the more emotions you show, the more power it will give to him.
What you need to do is to make sure your ex feel that you are not needy. Sure, it is ok to make him feel you MAY be open to getting back together but not to the point that your life depended on it.
2. Overly Apologizing.
If you are the one that caused the break up then it is ok to apologize for your mistakes. But do not keep saying you are sorry over and over again.
You may not be the cause of the break up and you still want to apologize. That does not make any sense, apologize to him for his mistakes? Why would you want to do that, it is another sign of weakness.
3. Don't Have A Plan To Win Man Back.
Wishing and hoping will not win your man back, you need a plan that will guide you through this rough time in your life. Don't you wish you had a plan that works like a "magic love recipe" to win man back?
It's About Love
To love and be loved. But what is love really? And what does it have to do with leading a meaningful joy-filled life? Love is not a mere feeling, behavior, thought, or biochemical response. Love is free and available to all and everyone. There is no end to its supply, in fact the more love you put out the more it generates. Love is a key ingredient to happiness and every day that you don't have love in your life it will get a little colder and a little harder - every day until the day you die.
Love is as critical to your mind and body as oxygen - that's not negotiable. To love and be loved is to be relationally connected to other people. The more connected you are the healthier you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected you are the less meaningful your life. A study by C. Norman Shealy, M.D. and Carolyn Myss, Ph.D., found that to love and be loved is life-changing even in the most literal sense. They found that love is a factor in improving the immune system, adding to life expectancy and creating overall happiness. Their research shows that even bad habits like smoking and overeating have less of an impact on those who are relationally connected and have a loving support system. Children who are exposed to unconditional love from their parents have a good self esteem and more zest for life.
Every day express your love. Find words and actions of love that are appropriate. Learn to speak words of blessing rather than criticism. Share your resources with a needy person. Participate in your community of faith. Offer gifts and perform thoughtful deeds with no ulterior motivation. Honor confidentiality when it would be easier not to. Be there for someone even though its not convenient. Give some serious thought and energy about how to express to somebody that you love what they really mean to you. When you get a leading to reach out to somebody, to give somebody a positive note or some words of encouragement or to wrap your arms around somebody - don't blow it off! Its your chance to love. Remember how short life is and what really matters. Its all about LOVE.
Love is as critical to your mind and body as oxygen - that's not negotiable. To love and be loved is to be relationally connected to other people. The more connected you are the healthier you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected you are the less meaningful your life. A study by C. Norman Shealy, M.D. and Carolyn Myss, Ph.D., found that to love and be loved is life-changing even in the most literal sense. They found that love is a factor in improving the immune system, adding to life expectancy and creating overall happiness. Their research shows that even bad habits like smoking and overeating have less of an impact on those who are relationally connected and have a loving support system. Children who are exposed to unconditional love from their parents have a good self esteem and more zest for life.
Every day express your love. Find words and actions of love that are appropriate. Learn to speak words of blessing rather than criticism. Share your resources with a needy person. Participate in your community of faith. Offer gifts and perform thoughtful deeds with no ulterior motivation. Honor confidentiality when it would be easier not to. Be there for someone even though its not convenient. Give some serious thought and energy about how to express to somebody that you love what they really mean to you. When you get a leading to reach out to somebody, to give somebody a positive note or some words of encouragement or to wrap your arms around somebody - don't blow it off! Its your chance to love. Remember how short life is and what really matters. Its all about LOVE.
Jumat, 15 Mei 2009
Called to Love
"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? - Matthew 5:43-46
Who is our enemy?
I think this goes way deeper than the obvious. I believe that our "enemy" can be the person in bed next to us each night. It can be a sister in Christ sitting in the pew next to us every Sunday.
Who is our enemy?
Well, today, I am going to focus on our marriages. So, today's "enemy" will be our mate.
Do not misunderstand. Our husband's are not really our enemies. However, if you look at the meaning of enemy it means; antagonistic, hostile, belligerent. A LOT of marriages experience these emotions at one point or another.
It can be very hard to love someone who treats you badly or says hurtful things to you. Especially if that person is your spouse. You expect more. You have made vows. This is the one person in the world who you expect to love you and treat you right.
Unfortunately, we are in a sinful world and we marry with baggage. We take the junk of our pasts into our marriages and soon the "honeymoon" state is a distant memory. It is in many cases easier to love an enemy we do not know personally then the person we go to bed with each night.
It's not always easy to love our husbands. It can be downright difficult. I struggle with this on a daily basis. We are just so different.
I believe the main reason it is difficult to "love" our husbands is because we allow our "feelings" to get in the way. Our "feelings" (aka our flesh) will always steer us in the wrong direction. We must choose to love. We must submit our feelings to the foot of the cross....and leave them there! We must choose to love our enemies husbands. We must choose to love those who wrong us.
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? - Matthew 5:43-46
Who is our enemy?
I think this goes way deeper than the obvious. I believe that our "enemy" can be the person in bed next to us each night. It can be a sister in Christ sitting in the pew next to us every Sunday.
Who is our enemy?
Well, today, I am going to focus on our marriages. So, today's "enemy" will be our mate.
Do not misunderstand. Our husband's are not really our enemies. However, if you look at the meaning of enemy it means; antagonistic, hostile, belligerent. A LOT of marriages experience these emotions at one point or another.
It can be very hard to love someone who treats you badly or says hurtful things to you. Especially if that person is your spouse. You expect more. You have made vows. This is the one person in the world who you expect to love you and treat you right.
Unfortunately, we are in a sinful world and we marry with baggage. We take the junk of our pasts into our marriages and soon the "honeymoon" state is a distant memory. It is in many cases easier to love an enemy we do not know personally then the person we go to bed with each night.
It's not always easy to love our husbands. It can be downright difficult. I struggle with this on a daily basis. We are just so different.
I believe the main reason it is difficult to "love" our husbands is because we allow our "feelings" to get in the way. Our "feelings" (aka our flesh) will always steer us in the wrong direction. We must choose to love. We must submit our feelings to the foot of the cross....and leave them there! We must choose to love our enemies husbands. We must choose to love those who wrong us.
Selasa, 12 Mei 2009
Does She Love Me? 3 Sure Shot Ways to Know Whether She Truly Loves You Or Not
Are you at a certain stage where you want to find out whether a certain girl loves you or not? You have some doubts that there is love but just aren't sure yet? You see if a girl loves you she would do certain things around you in a completely different way and would act is very different manners around you as well. In order to know whether she loves you or not all you have to do is look for these signs. Read on to discover what these signs are and how you can easily find out whether she loves you or not.......
Is she very caring towards you? - This is the very first sign you must look for in order to know whether she loves you or not. Women tend to get extremely caring towards the one they love....Is she overly concerned about you and your life? Is she always thinking of the best for you and wants the best for you at the same time? Does she get happy at your achievements and sad when you are down? You see if this is the case then she loves you for sure.
She can't survive a day without talking to you- Does she regularly talk to you and at the same time gets highly emotional if you two miss a day of talking? This is a very strong sign that she has deep feelings for you and can't seem to live without thinking about you even for a day.
Has she introduced you to her family? - Now this would never happen if she just likes you but you see making you meet her family means she is thinking about the long term and is probably in love with you. She is probably thinking about settling down with you and that's the reason why she is letting her family know of you.
Is she very caring towards you? - This is the very first sign you must look for in order to know whether she loves you or not. Women tend to get extremely caring towards the one they love....Is she overly concerned about you and your life? Is she always thinking of the best for you and wants the best for you at the same time? Does she get happy at your achievements and sad when you are down? You see if this is the case then she loves you for sure.
She can't survive a day without talking to you- Does she regularly talk to you and at the same time gets highly emotional if you two miss a day of talking? This is a very strong sign that she has deep feelings for you and can't seem to live without thinking about you even for a day.
Has she introduced you to her family? - Now this would never happen if she just likes you but you see making you meet her family means she is thinking about the long term and is probably in love with you. She is probably thinking about settling down with you and that's the reason why she is letting her family know of you.
Jumat, 08 Mei 2009
The Zahir - A Story of Love and Realization
"The Zahir" meaning 'the present' or 'unable to go unnoticed' is one of the best works of Coelho. The novel has both spiritual and philosophical touch to it. Its about this man, the protagonist and his quest for discovering his own self. It centers on the narrator-a best-selling novelist's search for his wife.
Having enjoyed all the privileges that a man can, thanks to money and his celebrity-hood, he realizes that his life is now confronted with some of the most unpredictable questions. Esther, his wife for ten years has disappeared from their home and immediately he is suspected of foul play by the authorities and the press. Unable to comprehend Esther's inexplicable disappearance, he is forced to re-examine both his marital relationship and his own life.
The narrator has questions aplenty which have no answer. Was Esther kidnapped or did she decide to part ways with him after having a failed marriage? Eventually, his only link in Esther's disappearance is Mikhail, his wife's friend. Then the narrator starts his journey- his quest to find out his wife. Like Coelho's other stories, this one too focuses on journey. During this journey, he discovers a lot about life and love and its various faces.
It is then that he realizes about his obsession for his wife, rather than his love. All this does make him a much more enlightened human being who is continually traveling in the pursuit of his dreams. Man can fulfill his own dreams and destroy them too. That's exactly what the author tries to and in fact, successfully portrays in this beautiful novel of human emotions and continuous enlightenment of an individual. The narrator understands the worth of what he had long taken for granted only after losing it to time and is left without an answer to his questions.
Having enjoyed all the privileges that a man can, thanks to money and his celebrity-hood, he realizes that his life is now confronted with some of the most unpredictable questions. Esther, his wife for ten years has disappeared from their home and immediately he is suspected of foul play by the authorities and the press. Unable to comprehend Esther's inexplicable disappearance, he is forced to re-examine both his marital relationship and his own life.
The narrator has questions aplenty which have no answer. Was Esther kidnapped or did she decide to part ways with him after having a failed marriage? Eventually, his only link in Esther's disappearance is Mikhail, his wife's friend. Then the narrator starts his journey- his quest to find out his wife. Like Coelho's other stories, this one too focuses on journey. During this journey, he discovers a lot about life and love and its various faces.
It is then that he realizes about his obsession for his wife, rather than his love. All this does make him a much more enlightened human being who is continually traveling in the pursuit of his dreams. Man can fulfill his own dreams and destroy them too. That's exactly what the author tries to and in fact, successfully portrays in this beautiful novel of human emotions and continuous enlightenment of an individual. The narrator understands the worth of what he had long taken for granted only after losing it to time and is left without an answer to his questions.
Senin, 04 Mei 2009
You Suck - A Love Story Book Review
You Suck: A Love Story tells the classic tale of two vampires in love, but it's not your average vampire tale. Grocery store night-clerk, Thomas C. Flood wakes up to find himself turned into a vampire by his girlfriend, Jody. Though he's more than a little mad about his transformation, the two decide to make it work. First on their list of things to do, besides experimenting with their new powers and abilities, is finding a minion. They find one in Abby Normal, a goth teen who worships their kind. All seems to be going well, until the vamp who turned Jody comes after them, and Flood's coworkers (a group of anti-vampires called The Animals) find out he's a vampire. Then there's the blue prostitute named Blue who wants them all dead.
Critics at The Onion call author Christopher Moore, "The thinking man's Dave Barry or the impatient man's Tom Robbins." Fans of comical fantasies will love this book!
I love how witty and clever the writing is in this novel, yet it's modern and easy to follow. It has a writing style and themes that are accessible to any thinking reader. I also like how Moore works within the vampire mythologies, creating a few new ones and dispelling some classics. For instance, victims turn to dust after they are drained of blood, and vampires cannot ingest anything but blood. These changes held my interest as I wanted to know how these vampires interacted with each other and the rest of the world.
There is nothing I disliked about this novel. It was truly entertaining and clever!
I have to find more of Christopher Moore's novels. I had heard somewhere that You Suck: A Love Story wasn't his best work, so I thought it would be a good one to start with. Now I'm wondering how fantastic his other works are if this is considered not as good. I'll definitely be finding more of his work to read!
Christopher Moore is known for his comical takes on classic myths and characters. In this novel, he takes a new twist on vampires. In others, he examines Death (the classic grim reaper) and even Jesus. I'm sure a few could take offense to his writing, so it would be wise to research a bit before reader and to keep an open mind.
Critics at The Onion call author Christopher Moore, "The thinking man's Dave Barry or the impatient man's Tom Robbins." Fans of comical fantasies will love this book!
I love how witty and clever the writing is in this novel, yet it's modern and easy to follow. It has a writing style and themes that are accessible to any thinking reader. I also like how Moore works within the vampire mythologies, creating a few new ones and dispelling some classics. For instance, victims turn to dust after they are drained of blood, and vampires cannot ingest anything but blood. These changes held my interest as I wanted to know how these vampires interacted with each other and the rest of the world.
There is nothing I disliked about this novel. It was truly entertaining and clever!
I have to find more of Christopher Moore's novels. I had heard somewhere that You Suck: A Love Story wasn't his best work, so I thought it would be a good one to start with. Now I'm wondering how fantastic his other works are if this is considered not as good. I'll definitely be finding more of his work to read!
Christopher Moore is known for his comical takes on classic myths and characters. In this novel, he takes a new twist on vampires. In others, he examines Death (the classic grim reaper) and even Jesus. I'm sure a few could take offense to his writing, so it would be wise to research a bit before reader and to keep an open mind.
Jumat, 01 Mei 2009
Love Secrets Lies in Exotic Apparel
Getting into an organic feel good state of mind can easily be obtained by creating scenes for your lover, using revealing lingerie. The chemistry will go through the roof. But Wait! Let's slow it down a little. A fast moving scene is not what you want.
Try strutting in some sexy women's loungewear to keep things interesting, while you prepare a fantastic dinner. Cause him to have after dinner thoughts of you while soft music plays to set the tone. Take time to clad yourself in a soft chemise nightgown that flows around your beauty.
Yes! Incredibly sheer lingerie can create rich harmony to soothe his soul. In the morning when you are driving to that Mountain weekend retreat don't forget to bring along some sexy panties, hot panties, fishnet bodystockings, and sexy satin cocktail dresses.
You will be the ornament of his desire. You will be sending positive messages subliminally. This is the power of wearing exotic apparel. Make him light the glorious lamp of love.
Every woman's wardrobe should include sexy exotic lingerie. Such as: transparent sheer swimwear, sheer lingerie, garters and hosiery, sexy panties, teddys peek-a-boo. A wonderful variety of fantasy wear that will make him smile in your glowing colors.
The soft texture of a lily is what comes into his mind. The light in his eyes will tell you what is deep down inside. Close your eyes and watch his dreams become your reality. Sculptor his passions by wearing sheer lingerie garments that embraces him.
All of his love will belong to you, because feelings like this are feels like heaven sent. Being so secure with his strength and tenderness too. This will be the best times of your life, making all other things in your life calm and workable. A thousand nights and more is what you will have in your love treasure.
His arms will hold you and never leave because he will believe in your love feelings. Nothing compares to the magic of love and warmth revolving around you. These are the sensations you will create wearing sexy exotic lingerie, putting the look of love into his eyes.
Try strutting in some sexy women's loungewear to keep things interesting, while you prepare a fantastic dinner. Cause him to have after dinner thoughts of you while soft music plays to set the tone. Take time to clad yourself in a soft chemise nightgown that flows around your beauty.
Yes! Incredibly sheer lingerie can create rich harmony to soothe his soul. In the morning when you are driving to that Mountain weekend retreat don't forget to bring along some sexy panties, hot panties, fishnet bodystockings, and sexy satin cocktail dresses.
You will be the ornament of his desire. You will be sending positive messages subliminally. This is the power of wearing exotic apparel. Make him light the glorious lamp of love.
Every woman's wardrobe should include sexy exotic lingerie. Such as: transparent sheer swimwear, sheer lingerie, garters and hosiery, sexy panties, teddys peek-a-boo. A wonderful variety of fantasy wear that will make him smile in your glowing colors.
The soft texture of a lily is what comes into his mind. The light in his eyes will tell you what is deep down inside. Close your eyes and watch his dreams become your reality. Sculptor his passions by wearing sheer lingerie garments that embraces him.
All of his love will belong to you, because feelings like this are feels like heaven sent. Being so secure with his strength and tenderness too. This will be the best times of your life, making all other things in your life calm and workable. A thousand nights and more is what you will have in your love treasure.
His arms will hold you and never leave because he will believe in your love feelings. Nothing compares to the magic of love and warmth revolving around you. These are the sensations you will create wearing sexy exotic lingerie, putting the look of love into his eyes.
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